The sheep send their fiber out to my good friend Shari at Morro Fleece Works for carding. The sheep put their fiber together, pop a card with instructions in and off it goes. Over the mountains all the way to California. Shari does a beautiful job with our fiber. When the fiber boxes come back home, they are packed full of roving! It's like Christmas!!
Our favorite is her pin drafted roving. The fiber is carded an extra time into a pretty coil. It is easy to spin and so pretty. The more traditional roving is also great to spin. Both are easily felted, spun, dyed, and for weaving or needle felting. Whatever your fiber art, this roving is perfect. And there is NO bias here! haha!
You may find a stray piece of hay here and there but please consider them mementos of our happy sheep taking great joy ignoring my pleas to keep their fleeces really clean! If you have any questions please send us an email.
We are happy to send our fiber to Shari to card for you, contact the sheep for more info!

Andrew and his sister Bobbi were our very first Great Pyrenees dogs. They adored our sheep- and us!