September 2023
Lola and Luna arrived together as lambs last year from a friend’s flock. Both are East Friesian sheep. Lola is a little sassy and has as pretty black and white fleece. Luna is white and has one blue eye, one brown eye. Two unique little sheep! Both follow Wooliam around the pasture and are good friends to most any of the sheep. Jolly loves them. Fletcher is just afraid he is missing out on something back there!
Girl Sheep
Petunia, Quimby and Ragglan!
September 2023
Snapped a couple pictures out in the pasture the other day. The first is Petunia and the second is her baby Quimby. Isn’t it uncanny how much alike they look? Quimby is still a smaller sheep but Cotswolds tend to grow slowly. Both are such good sheep and love a good bit of produce for a snack. They are waiting for our old apple tree to drop a few down for them!
May 2022
Quimby is a big sheep now, or so he tells me! Any lambs we have are moved into the pasture with the big sheep at the end of shearing day. They are really scamps the first few days but when things calm back down, they come back looking for me. Well, for treats if I’m honest. Ha! He still loves bread and his mama Petunia.
August 2021
Petunia is all settled in now! Her baby Quimby is a scamp- she loses track of him and calls and calls. He ignores her? We usually go out and find him for her so she can stop worrying so much! We have a long running history of hide and seek failure around here. Today must have been Petunia’s turn? Cracks me up when they think they are so sly! We see you silly sheep!
July 2021
I recently spent a few weeks visiting a friend in Baltimore! Quimby sent me a postcard from home. He is growing so quickly. Sigh. He has a special routine now. He loves bread. I mean really really loves bread. Every morning he waits for me and has one piece of bread. Then in the evening, he knows there is another coming his way. In this photo, Quimby was making sure Jim was truly out of bread. What a funny lamb- they are so awesome and amazing!
June 2021
Petunia is a Cotswold sheep who joined our flock with her baby Quimby! She needed to retire as she was unable to safely have any more lambs. Of course we scooped her right up. She is a little shy but they’ve only moved in a week ago. She and Quimby love grain so getting them used to us will be easy. Quimby is such a funny little bean! He is always interested in what we humans are doing. When I sit out in the yard, he will visit just out of arm’s reach- unless there is grain involved. Their fleeces will be a welcome addition too. I see lots of lash yarn in the future!
Bunny and Isabella!
August 2021
Bunny is so grown up now- it happens so fast! She is so sweet and loves to be close to us. Flies are terrible this summer and she seems extra sensitive. Sheep will walk or run with their noses close to the ground in certain times of the year. Usually Spring and Fall. I’m going to use a little fly spray my horses recommend to help her out. She even feels the flies when they land on her wool that is over 3 inches long now. Her friend Merlin thinks she is being a drama sheep. Oh Merlin! Her friends Isabella and Isaac moved over to the big group of sheep in the big pasture on shearing day. Just on the other side of the fence so they can still visit each other!
January 2021
Bunny had a nest going on in the sunshine the other day!
Bunny was comfy napping in the sunshine!
Nov. 2020: Bunny is growing- in size and wow the wool! She is standing in front of her ‘mom’ Sweets. Sweets loves the babies and always takes good care of them no matter whose they are.
These little peanuts arrived from our friend’s flock! They are beauteous East Friesian sheep.
Isabella is our Isaac’s twin sister. She is very adventurous and has a gorgeous fleece with lots of curls/waves.
Bunny is so tiny- she got her name because she was injured very early in her little life. As she recovered, she hopped a bit. She’s half the size of Isabella and Isaac. And so sweet! Both girls are amazing and we are so lucky they joined our little flock!
September 2023
Well, Isaac was not happy when bedtime rolled around the other night! Such a long face dude with an attitude! The sheep tend to jump on their beds and get all rowdy at bedtime. Caught them at it this time! ha!
Our little sheep is growing up already! He ‘helped’ me sort wool locks on the front porch. It was a beautiful afternoon and he was too interested in the wire basket holding the locks ready to spin. Luckily I saw his plans before they could unfold! He even gave me a proper stink eye for being a step ahead of him!
March 24, 2021
Isaac is growing up- he’s almost a big sheep! He’s so mellow and I can’t wait to see his fleece next month!
February 22, 2021
The weather is warming up- well at least it is above Zero today! Heatwave! Left to right we have Merlin; Bunny and Isabella. Isaac is laying in the middle of the photo. There was a bit of sun so they were out running zoomies after I woke them up from a nap. Isaac is almost caught up and yearling size now. Bunny is growing but will always be petite. Merlin has blue eyes I adore and Isabella is a sassy lamb!
November 2020: Isaac is growing up!
This little lamb arrived as a companion to Timber- both bottle lambs. He is an East Friesian sheep from our friend Deb’s flock. He’s fast as lightning but very kind to his brother who has some serious disabilities. Sheep are so amazing! More info to follow!
Ticco, Solomon & Domino Goaties!
September 2023
Ticco reminds me SO much of our first Angora goatie Odie. He was so sweet and happy AND they look a lot alike don’t they? First photo is Ticco and second is Odie. It really is uncanny. I didn’t realize it until I was sorting out some photo files! Ticco will be getting his fall haircut soon- he’s always glad to have that done and I am glad to have the fiber!
June 2022
Ticco just welcomed two new friends to the flock! The little black fellow is Solomon and the white is Domino. They are both Angora Goats. A friend asked us to adopt them after her shoulder was injured. Of course we said yes!!! They are getting to know the way of things here and bunking with the horses. Oh, and the llama (Bash) who THINKS he is a horse! Goats can play a little rougher than sheep do so we usually don’t have them with our sheep. We’ll see how things go. They are good boys and we share an apple every afternoon under their favorite Maple tree.
Ticco is such a goofball! You just never know where he will show up. He was up in his favorite Maple tree again and I happened to have my camera. Tee hee hee!
He found time to help us with some tree work too! Such a helpful little fellow right?
June 2021
Ticco had his hair cut a few weeks ago! I am always amazed how quickly his curls grow back. AND I am always jealous of his curls! He is having a good summer so far and lives with Maxwell and the suri alpacas. He is a sweet sweet goatie!
January 2021
Ticco has his curls back already! He and his suri alpacas are not so sure they like the snow. His buddy Maxwell keeps them moving though. He loves to play!
Nov. 2020: This summer Ticco found a loose spindle in the front porch railing. He loves to be on our big sheep stand for shearing. Was he waiting for me to get to work? Such a silly goatie!
This look tells me he’s feeling sly? Shenanigans may be afooot? Bedlamb in the barnyard??
April 2020
Quite a year so far with all the changes in our world in general! Things here are pretty routine- started our shearing with this adorable little Ticco goatie! He is SO good and patient!
Fall 2019
This is Ticco, our Angora goatie- and he is absolutely adorable! His owner moved West and was unable to take him along. She didn’t have to twist my arm to take this cutie. He was a bottle bay and is quite the character. He loves to be loose in the yard with us. Scampers around with his little family- Sweets, Millie and Raven.
Merlin, Wicker and Woolliam!
September 2023
Wooliam is the bestest gardener!! Seems the purple thistle flowers are quite tasty? Ouch I say- how does he eat those without getting sharp pieces stuck in those cheeks?? We mow the pastures to keep the thistles down before they flower. There are a few spots we can’t get to with the mower and he decided to take care of the others for us. Good boy Wooliam!
May 11, 2022
Wooliam is such a hoot and he has many friends! He is a sweet, elegant fellow and loves to amble around with pretty much anyone out walking. OR playing. He has not learned that if he head butts sheep with horns, he will get a headache. Ouch Wooliam! This is a photo of him with his buddy Coco Bean.
December 2021
Merlin is such a silly sheep! He’s so happy and just skips through the pastures of his life. He has beautiful blue eyes and loves treats, but most of all, hugs. Also a good scratch on the head.
E. Friesian sheep are rather new to our flock. They come from my friend Deb’s flock and we adore them. Besides being mellow and silly personalities, their wool is an adventure that everyone should try!
It is generally 3 to 6 inches long and it is very much like a nice Romney wool. It’s soft, a little bouncy and takes up dye like a champ. If you haven’t tried this wool yet, we are not biased, but Merlin is sure you will be glad you did!
June 2021
Merlin is such a fun sheep- so laid back and just skipping through the daisies of life! Seems the other sheep got him all spiffed up yesterday with a yellow ribbon? He is so funny!
March 13, 2021
Wicker was feeling drowsy- fell asleep when he was having breakfast!
May 2020
Oh Woolliam you are so handsome with your new haircut!
March 2020
Merlin you have magic blue eyes!
We are so lucky to have wonderful sheep! And wonderful friends with sheep! We recently added three more East Fresian sheep to our flock! Thank you Deb! They are family to Sweets, Raven and Millie.
They boys were born in March 2019. Merlin has blue eyes- full of secrets! Moppet has become Oliver’s friend. Makes me so happy that Oliver finally has a pal! Wicker is dedicated to Merlin and they all hang around together. Plenty of roughhousing, racing and lamb hopping to be sure! Not much better than that!
Millie & Raven!
Our Millie is such a sweet pea of a sheep! She is a good babysitter for lambs and is attached to Bunny sheep. She lives in our little group of special needs sheep. She has a crooked front leg. She can still outrun me though! Today she was having a nap in the shade.
May 22, 2022
Raven is such a funny little sheep! If you didn’t already know she had troubles as a lamb, you would never know it now. Just a little crooked now but it certainly does not hold her back. She loves to go for walks in the pasture with me. We go out to check on the little ‘grove’ of trees growing on the other side of the hill. They are volunteer trees that seem to have just appeared/volunteered? They are very cute little pine trees of some sort. Must be something the sheep do not find tasty so the trees will grow tall!
June 2021
Millie led the way to follow me and make sure I did not have any Fruit Loops left. They love love them for treats. Sweets is the most patient girl. She stands next to me and waits for me to feed them to her by hand. The others? More like a bunch of linebackers! I have to feed the Fruit Loops to them in their food bowls. Gotta keep an eye all the time or they will take you out! (Not meanly, they are just very single minded when it comes to food- they get that from me maybe?)
January 2021
Millie, Sweets and Merlin were having a walk about in the snow this morning!
Nov. 2020 - Raven’s a big girl now!
Our Millie is such a good girl! She’s never had a lamb of her own but she loves the bottle lambs. She’s a wonderful babysitter. Isaac will move outside soon and Millie, Sweets, Raven and Ticco will be in charge of teaching him to be a good sheep.
Raven grew a lovely fleece! She was very good and put up with my shearing job too. Such a pretty girl- the photo makes her look silvery BUT she is pitch black. Ooh la la!
March 2020
Raven is a grown up girl - and such a princess! She hid her tiara so I could not wear it myself? Wow you silly little sheep!
October 2019
Sweets is smitten with Ticco! Her ‘baby’ now. He is an almost 2 year old Angora goatie. Goats like their space but he decided Sweets was not going to abide by his rules. Now he’s attached to her too!
August 2019
Raven is a big girl now! She’s been staying in the office with me because she arrived with an injury. She needed some rest and now she’s working on moving outside. She’s feeling pretty spunky!
July 2019
Millie, Sweets and little Raven helping mow the lawn!
June 2019
The girls are so fun! Both are very active and happily mowing the lawn around the house for us! They were a little sleepy the other morning…
June 2019
The girls finally got their shearing day last week! They are sporting short wool and all set for summer. We have a little bell on Millie now so Sweets does not lose track of her. Millie is a wonderful guide for Sweets though. Always watching out for her and waiting if she gets behind. Even going back for her if she’s worried or lost.
Sweets is exploring now too. They had a quieter home with Deb so the noises and activity level is different. She’s getting brave and yesterday walked from their little house, out the gate and all the way to the front yard- on her own! She looked so proud of herself. Millie waited by the house. I think she wanted a nap? Once she decided Sweets was staying out for a bite to eat she hustled over to be by her. They are such wondrous creatures!
Two beautiful sheep who are moved in and stealing our hearts! Their owner loved them so much but due to life circumstances is being forced to downsize her flock. Sweets and Millie are East Fresian sheep with a background that has a cross- thus the black fleeces. Gorgeousness!
Sweets is six years old and blind. She can see shadows though so does not bump into things. Millie is almost one year old and has a crooked front leg. She is Sweets’ guide through life. They are very devoted to each other. Keep an eye out for more pictures and stories about them as they settle in. Keep a good thought for their owner too ok? She’s very heartbroken.
Maxwell & Oliver!
September 2023
Maxwell is such a stinker! I am not sure what I did (or didn’t do) to offend him this time. He’s not very respectful right? Cracks me UP. He tends to act like his llamas do. He’s always had an identity crisis; he was a baby in the house so he thought first he was a Great Pyrenees, then when he moved outside he climbed trees to be a goatie, then decided he was a llama and has been ever since. He follows them everywhere and rarely strays far from them. He does sleep in the sheep barn though. A sheep has to draw the line somewhere after all!
Nov. 2020- Oliver is ready for a little trim to his bangs already!
Shearing day happened a few weeks ago now. Maxwell is sporting his new hair style very well don’t you think?
March 2020
My little Oliver is a grown up now- one year old. Ready for his very first shearing. Time sure scoots past me. Waaaaay too quickly!
October 2019
Oliver is still working on his hide and seek skills! It’s hard to hide on Ticco though- be sure to scroll down!
August 2019
Maxwell’s a big boy now!
Chico Macaw and Oliver playing on the front porch!
June 2019
Maxwell has decided he will now be a suri alpaca? I guess whatever works right? Poor Oliver! He’s not sure he wants to grow up yet so Maxwell just leaves him behind. Oliver races around looking for ME so I can walk him back home. He’s so sweet. If he needs me for a while yet that is ok with me. I do hope he starts sleeping through the night soon though!
February 2019
I’m sure by now you know how much I adore bottle lambs! Since we do not breed our sheep, we adopt orphans from friend’s flocks if they come around. This year during the 50 below weather in FEBRUARY surprise lambs started arriving in Tami’s flock. Her ram apparently jumped the fence, visited the ladies, then jumped back out. Surprise lambs!
Oliver is the white Cotswold lamb and Maxwell the black Cotswold cross lamb. They are fast friends and spent most of the winter in my office. It was too cold to put them outside.
They are devoted to each other but are such different personalities! Oliver is a bit of a lug. He lumbers and gallops through life, all happy and silly. Sometimes it takes him a little while to figure things out but only because he’s such an agreeable guy. Good thing Maxwell shows him the way when necessary!
On the other hand, Maxwell is a little jumping bean! He is fast and I swear he could run straight up the wall if he wanted to? He was about half the size of Oliver when he arrived, despite being born within days of each other. There have already been many adventures so keep an eye out for updates!
Zippy the three legged office cat-and friends!
September 2023
Canolli is the gatherer of souls in need of help! This is Skelly (short for skeleton) whom he brought to me about a few months ago. This is his ‘after’ picture, I did not want to post what he looked like when we started with him. We are not sure how old he is or where he came from. It’s possible someone tossed him out into our driveway. Poor fellow. He was all skin and bones and very sick. It turned out he had a giant infection in his cheek. No wonder he was skinny right? He is much better now and back to chasing crickets in the yard and babysitting kittens. I’m so glad Canolli brought his friend home!
June 2022
Well, talk about cute! Canolli was acting as assistant in Jim’s office this morning. Seems he’s sleeping on the job- and Jim called an encroachment foul. What a cat!!
May 2022
Have we introduced you to our retired barn cats Shadow and Canolli yet? What a story they have! Zippy found Shadow when he was quite ill. She brought him inside to us and while he recovered, he decided he liked being inside too. Later, Shadow found Canolli very ill and brought him inside for help. He is now fine, just has a few allergies that bother him once in a while. He also likes it inside. Both like to go outside most of the day to pretend they are still barn cats. Then night time rolls around and they are inside to sleep in the cat beds. Poor Zippy had no idea what she was doing when she started this! I think she did not expect Shadow to stay inside- or Canolli. She is finally getting better about sharing her space and toys. Takes time!
November 2020
Just a little nap in the sunshine- on the desk? Cute peanut!
March 2020
Zippy is such a funny cat! She loves the bottle lambs when they are little/young. Once the grow up and like to chase her around? Not so much! She does keep an eye on them even when she’s lost her patience though. Good girl!
March 2020
Oh Zippy! Is it too warm in the house today? Silly girl!
July 2019
It is waaay too hot outside so Zippy says let’s nap!
(Please scroll down for updates and new photos! )
Last fall a tiny kitten got her leg caught somewhere and smooshed it while struggling to get out. Her paw was severely damaged so her leg had to be removed. SO, Zippy became the office kitten! She grew up keeping me company while I worked on the computer and terrorizing the Pyrs.
Now she is a sassy, grown up cat who still terrorizes the Pyrs! This is her favorite blanket full of ghosties my Mom sent her.
She loves wool!
She plys yarn for me!
And occasionally even catches a mouse! Go Zippy!
April 2019
We are so lucky! We had two bottle lambs to add to our flock. It was still cold outside so they lived in the house with us. Zippy LOVED those lambs? She’s such a fun cat- the lambs put up with her but were not sure what she was about!
April 2019
May 2019
Zippy is enjoying warmer days. She thinks I don’t notice her sneaking out the back door when I let the dogs in and out? Cracks me up! She spends a few hours outside playing with her friends. Then dashes in for a bite to eat and a good long nap. If I’m lucky she’ll saunter into the office to ‘help’ me spin yarn.
She also goes outside to check on her lambs. Oliver and Maxwell moved outside to be big sheep about a month ago. She really misses them. I’ve seen her go up in their pasture to check on them. It is so sweet.
Hooray for naps in one’s favorite woolie bed!
Jolly & Louise!
November 2023
Louise will join our family as a new friend for Jolly next week. We recently had to put our old Fletcher dog to sleep after he had a major stroke. We have all been devasted by his loss but Jolly’s grief is taking over his life. SO, Louise will perk all of us up and hopefully step in to be a good friend for Jolly.
She is 1 year old, a Labrador/hound mix with a ton of energy. She loves all dogs, cats and people- and tennis balls. Lots and lots of tennis balls. She had been returned to the shelter when the family that adopted her could not wear her out. They had two toddlers and Louise was like having two more! She will have plenty of tennis balls, a good bunch of friends and lots of room in our fence yard (1/2 acre) to romp and wear off some of that energy. Welcome Louise!!
June 2022
Jolly! Doesn’t it hurt to sit with your paws curled up like that?? Makes my feet hurt looking at you silly dog.
May 2022
We’ve had some big, sad changes in our life the past few months. Last fall we had to put Teagan to sleep and a few weeks ago Milo. Both had such bad arthritis in their hips that they could not navigate. Not even with our help. I can’t tell you how empty this house feels, even though we do have Jolly and Fletcher. Fletcher is without the guardrails Teagan and Milo provided him his entire life. He is very off-kilter right now. It’s been a few weeks and he is starting to come around so that is good to see. It is such an awful decision to have to make but Teagan and Milo were telling us they were tired. I feel sorry for myself when we have to make that decision for any of our animals. However, it truly is horrible to watch the animals left behind grieve. For now we carry on though. Fletcher and Jolly will keep us busy.
March 30, 2021
Jolly loves me best!
Nov. 2020: Our Noodle- a younger version! She is 15 years old now and moving slowly. She spends her time anywhere Jim goes. He’s ‘hers.’ She is deaf and knows some sign language- when she wants to heed it. She’s pretty sure if she can’t see you, you can’t see her!.
Jolly has left his cast behind and has a good strong leg again! He has grown into a 110 pound dog (at last vet visit). A happy monster living up to his name!
February 3, 2020
Meet Jolly Isaac HIlton Ryan! Our latest Great Pyrenees adoption. I posted his entire story and x-rays of his leg here: read more
He is one year old and full of steam! Watch for more pictures soon!
September 2019
August 2019
Milo and Teagan love a good nap!
Teagan had her summer haircut a few weeks ago! She has some skin issues so we do keep her trimmed up short. It’s more comfy for her in the summer too. Too humid out there!
(Please be sure to scroll through the page, we add lots of new photos and such so don’t miss out!)
We certainly love animals and what household or farm would be complete with out a few dogs? Ha! We have several Great Pyrenees and a Border Collie. None are working dogs in the usual sense but they do have their jobs- besides entertaining us!
Noodle is our 12 year old Border Collie. She is as busy as can be but was born deaf. We taught her sign language. She does do a little herding with me but only to move the suris out of the back yard when they are done mowing. She keeps a good eye on Jim. He is HER person!
Teagan is a Great Pyrenees. She was a stray some years back and ended up at the shelter Mom walks dogs for. Teagan is wonderful, loves to watch the world from her favorite spot on the back porch during the day then sleep inside at night. She loves me best. Specially when there are noisy storms. I think she is so afraid of them because she was a stray for a while? There could not be a better dog!
Milo is a Great Pyrenees we went to Southern Illinois to pick up. He was not in a very good situation. He is definitely Jim's dog. Sometimes he needs to be reminded it's ok for us all to live together though. Stinker! He has a funky jaw so his tongue hangs out most of the time. Too cute for his own good right? He spends his time with Teagan watching the world go by from his favorite place in the little pasture. Then he sleeps inside. He is very sweet and I adore him!
And last but certainly not least is Fletcher aka Puppy. He has quite a story! He lived his first months on the streets with his homeless owner. The fellow decided he could not care for the puppy properly so brought him to the shelter Mom volunteers for. Of course who could say no specially me. Hi name was Jim but since my husband's name is Jim that would not work. We kept calling him Puppy then named him Fletcher. SO, he answers to Puppy or Fletcher. Kind of like having a middle name. He loves me best and spends his days anywhere I am. Love it!
November 2018
Even though our Pyrs spend the night sleeping inside, they are very adamant the bad guys (coyotes and dogs traveling with them) stay on their own side of the fence. They bark and bark, which is what Pyrs do! They love being outside, specially if there is snow to roll and play in. I hope we get snow this winter. We’ve been getting ice instead for about 10 winters now. Took a few spills myself that gave me a few concussions. I do not need repeat! AND I don’t want any of the critters- or Jim- to break bones on the ice either. Here is Milo rolling in snow a few winters ago: (snow angels!)
April 2019
We had a chance to adopt two bottle lambs this winter. It was too cold so they lived inside with us for a bit. Our Pyr Milo is so so attached to them. He watches over the lambs outside and they follow him everywhere he goes. (Thinking the lambs could have some identity issues?!)
Our Suri Alpacas & Llamas!
It’s been a very hot, humid summer in southern WI this year! Ugh! The llamas and alpacas spend lots of time wading about in their kiddy pools to cool off. Sometimes they even like to have a spray from the water hose when we fill up the water tanks. We have two llamas now and the 5 suri alpacas. Obama Llama is in this photo cooling his heels!
May 2022
We recently had to have several dead trees removed from the yard. The suris love to help mow the lawn and were quite shocked to find the trees gone. They decided the little tree remaining on that side of the house was ok, even jazzed it up with Christmas lights over winter. This is usually our greeting committee when we pull into the driveway. They are quite serious about their guard duties!
March 2020
The Suri girls are busy growing long beauteous locks of shiny fiber! We will be shearing them mid to late May so watch for more photos and fiber!
October 2019
Ooh la la! Shiny locks on our Suri Alpaca girls! We skipped shearing them this spring. Their fiber was short and we did not want them to be cold this winter. I cannot wait to get those locks in my hands to spin! Good job girls!
October 2019
Beautiful locks growing by Spice!
August 2019
Howdy do? Spice says hello!
(Please be sure to scroll through the page, we add lots of new photos and such so don’t miss out!)
A few months back life changes forced a friend to reduce her flock of alpacas. I am still so sad for her. I am also happy though- because I am selfish. We've never had Suri Alpacas. They are so sweet! Much smaller than our llamas! They are quiet and love attention. Brooke's friend Teagon even lets me hug her! (well, she will occasionally come over to be scratched- and put her head on my shoulder!)
Brooke is a gorgeous color of dark fawn. It has a reddish tone to it and the locks are from 4 to 10 inches long, depending on which part of the fleece they are from. It is silky soft and so so pretty! Just like Brooke! (She is standing closest to me/fence in this photo)
The suri girls are so sweet! They are very interested in what is going on all about the farm. We are getting the sheep ready for winter right now. The gals and their little group of senior citizen sheep are sharing the old dairy barn with the big group of sheep. We got their part of the barn ready and bribed them with their dinner grain to follow us over. Everyone went except two sheep- Trillium and Theo. Stinkers! One suri also stayed back with the two sheep. Spice.
She’s the alert suri. Specially in the middle of the night? I’ve trooped out to see what is going on only to find our Big Kitty tom cat snoozing in the old Maple tree, just out of her reach. Such taunting right? The suris are not too keen on cats. They do chase them out of their pasture. Yikes!
Spice would NOT leave the little pasture until all of her sheep were out. Then she quietly led them to the other gate and walked the sheep in. Good girl! She’s very attached to her sheep. Theo and Trillium were the wayward sheep. This is a picture of Trilli, you can read about her here… And Theo here…
Nov. 2020: Waffles and Oliver are ready for their bangs to be trimmed- such curls!
March 2020
Waffles is ready for his turn with the sheep shearer! Love those curls!
October 2019
Waffles is a grown up boy now! Love those fuzzy ears!
(Please be sure to scroll through the page, we add lots of new photos and such so don’t miss out!)
July 2018
Well, this year found me 'strategically' purchasing another lamb. Twist my arm! This is Waffles, a silly little sheep- a very cute one!
Waffles is a Cotswold sheep we purchased from the same flock Coco Bean and Pirate came from. He is a delightful, very very curly fleeced little fellow. Spring shearing will give us another beautiful fleece. He is a little bit shy but that won't last long. He's too curious!
Cotswold sheep are on the list of threatened USA sheep breeds. Read more-
Waffles and our little Trillium sheep have become good friends! Trillium is a Jacob sheep with 3 legs. The fourth is deformed and not useful to her. They are so cute together! (please note that in this photo Trilli was walking away, she doesn't stand like this!)
Read more about Trillium...
August 2018
November 2018
Waffles is growing up! He is so sweet and wants to see what we are up to any time we are outside. He’s taken to following Speedy around now. You can read about Speedy here…
We moved the little special needs/senior citizen group to their winter barn. They share the old dairy barn with the big group of sheep. Now I have a great chance to catch Waffles for a little bit of a trim of those adorable bangs. Was thinking of braiding it? We’ll see what he thinks!
He will spend the winter in the little group so he can grow and eat grain. Cotswolds are a slow growing sheep. They are not done growing til they are around 2 years old. He can join the big flock after shearing day in the spring.
Here is Waffles and his buddy Speedy!
February 2019
Our CVM sheep!
June 2022
Comfort and her pal Della are so sweet and adorable! They were working hard to inspect and approve our latest roving. It is for sale on the website already- they are so efficient!
New Roving
January 2021
Aha! I caught a photo of our elusive Berti! She’s one of the older CVM girls and always manages to sneak away during photo shoots. I do believe she learned that from me though! She is a sweet. beautiful girl!
Nov. 2020 - Comfort is such a cutie! Her markings are getting darker each year.
March 2020
Jesse (left) and her best friend Birdi (right) are always close to each other- I was lucky to catch a picture of Birdi though. She is probably the shyest sheep we have here now. It’s ok though. We just want them happy!
(Please be sure to scroll through the page, we add lots of new photos and such so don’t miss out!)
Fall 2017 found a gal in need of a place for 7 of her Romedale/CVM sheep girls to retire. It was a difficult decision for her. We are very happy to have them here, we have never had this breed of sheep! They are beautiful!
They've had a few months to settle in and get to know us, and us them. They are always ready for grain so that is a great start! They have moved in with the big group of sheep now that we know we can catch them. They are quite tame but we have to be sure. It's hard to move when a sheep's lived in the same place with the same person all its life. Sheep are not great with change, I think that is why we get along so well? HA!
I'm looking forward to working with their wool this spring. It is soft and gorgeous, feels a little bouncy too? For now you can read more about them here...
We'll be adding more information about them soon!
1/18: The girls are gorgeous, adorable (of course!) and getting used to us. Here is a photo of Comfort. She is the lamb who rode along to our place. She will be one year old soon. Time goes so quickly past.
Comfort, complete with a photo bomb by Mayhem!
I asked Kim to put names to this picture of her CVM girls. Now I can finish memorizing faces and names! They are all such special peanuts!
I'll be giving each of the girls their own page soon. Keep an eye out! Several of their fleeces are for sale- don't miss them. I'm having trouble sharing!!! Fleeces available here...
August 2018
I haven't had a chance to spin any of the girls fleeces but thought I would post a few photos. Sorting it out was fun, such soft and pretty wool- soft as Merino with a little bounce to it.
COMFORT (baby fleece)
10-2018 Comfort’s two ply yarn- a fun adventure for me, I’ve never seen or spun from a CVM fleece until the girls joined our flock. The yarn is Merino soft with a bit of bounce- great sock yarn or any other project!
February 2019
Pirate and Coco Bean!
Nov. 2020: Coco Bean was hanging out with his friends Comfort, Jesse and Rose today!
March 2020
Coco Bean has a glorious fleece! Long locks and he is very ready for his turn with the sheep shearer!
October 2019
Pirate is all grown up!
Pirate on the back porch!
(Please be sure to scroll through the page, we add lots of new photos and such so don’t miss out!)
Coco Bean and Pirate arrived as bottle lambs in Spring 2017. I was feeling a bit sad because some of my old sheep had passed on- the babies arrived to cheer me up! And it works!
Coco Bean!
We bought them from a farm nearby. They are Cotswold sheep with dark black fleeces. Coco Bean has more floofy locks, Pirate has defined curls. Ooh la la! I cannot wait to spin their fleeces in the spring. They are pitch black with cinnamon tips from the sun. We considered putting jackets on them for winter to keep hay out of the wool. The bigger sheep have no worry about where they eat their hay? Right over the top of smaller sheep???
However, we decided no jackets because Coco Bean and Pirate have such long wool. I was worried more about the wool felting right on the sheep than some hay. They are bunking with the special needs group for now so they get the grain they need to help them grow. I also want them bigger before they join the large group of sheep.
They were almost weaned from their bottles when they arrived but have been living as yard sheep the entire time. They take turns 'shunning' me. Ignoring me and acting like they don't need me. Then they change their minds and are all chummy. Works for me!
Coco Bean on the move!
January 2018
Coco Bean and Pirate are growing up too quickly. They will be shorn for the first time in April. Can't wait to get my hands into those beauteous curls!
Little baby Cotswold curls!
March 2018
Pirate and Coco Bean are so big now! They are both carrying quite a fleece that I can't wait to get hold of on shearing day! They are still living with our older/special needs sheep. On shearing day they will move over to the bigger group of younger sheep. They are getting a little naughty with the older sheep. Pirate and Coco Bean want to romp and play. The older sheep want to nap in peace! The lambs get obnoxious and pushy trying to get them to run. The oldsters lay down and ignore them. Then the lambs nudge them a bunch before giving up. That's why we don't like to keep such wide age gaps in our sheep groups. They will be in with the big sheep and graze the big 20 acre pasture this summer. They will be SO happy!!!
My little peanut lambs are growing up- waaay too fast! They still think they don't need me. Sniffle. However, they ARE noticing I only give the treats out when they are close enough to me. HA! Here is a picture of Coco Bean after his first ever shearing. He was NOT a happy boy. He's so sensitive and it was all very confusing. Then it took him several days to find Pirate again. Our Ryan the Wonder Shearer is very good with our sheep so Coco Bean eventually settled down. Whew! Pictures soon!
Ohh la la! Coco Bean's first every fleece- soooo beautiful!
Poor Coco Bean! He was calling for Pirate when I snapped this picture. I didn't realize his tongue was hanging out! And Ryan the Wonder Shearer is so silly!
August 2018 update
Some pretty pictures- enjoy!
Coco Bean playing hide and seek? (ha!)
Pirate's wool- first ever shearing in 2018- soft and silky, such unique coloring and very dark black with silver threading through. And of course the pretty cinnamon tips. His locks averaged 7+ inches long!
August 2018
This is a picture of 2 ply yarn I spun with Pirate's wool!
Fall 2018
February 2019
Coco Bean!
February 2021
Our little Mayhem was quite the silly lamb! We bought him from a neighboring flock for his cute factor. He loved to play hide and seek. Lucky for us, he really was bad at it! Here he is perched atop a round bale of hay. Because of course we could not see him right? He is still so silly even though he’s all grown up!
March 2020
Mayhem loves all his buddies but lately he and Gilbert have been hanging about together. They are so funny, just ambling through life- happy as can be!
October 2019
Mayhem on the move with determination in those eyes!
Mayhem is our second bottle lamb for 2012. He is a beautiful Blue Face Leicester x lamb who is now Penny's best friend. He is an easy going lug of a sheep who I swear is just skipping through the ha field of life!
Mayhem and his best friend Penny have grown into 'real sheep' now. Mayhem still loves me and will come running just to see what I am going to do. He doesn't even care if I have treats with me.
His fleece is very curly, features 4 inch locks and is a beautiful silvery color. He is such an elegant sheep!
2016 update: I absolutely can NOT believe our Mayhem is going to be 5 in April?? Not long ago he was playing 'hide and seek' by running away from me, then 'hiding' all proud on top of a big round bale of hay. He is still great friends with Penny but I think he has a crush on Moon Pie. He follows her around all the time.
He is still a happy, clumsy sheep and shows the beautiful elegance of a Blue Face Leicester (cross) sheep. He also has a naughty habit. Bottle lambs are always beyond anxious to get hold of their meals aka bottles. When they are little, it's cute when they put their front legs up on you trying to reach. I am STILL working on breaking that habit? He still thinks it is ok to sit in my lap too. :0)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from Mayhem!
2017 update!
Mayhem is adorable and still thinks he needs a bottle. Maybe we should pick up a pacifier for him? One with a big toothy grin on it? Oh wouldn't THAT be a picture!! He has agreed to wear a jacket this year to keep his fleece all clean! read more about coats...
Here is a photo of Mayhem's latest yarn- can't wait til spring! (And winter is just getting here)
Two ply yarn I spun from Mayhem's wool. He blended it with a little of his friend Aina's wool first. So soft and snuggly- just like Mayhem...
2018 updates:
Mayhem is skipping through the daisies of life! He is so funny! Never a worry or a care in the world. He still loves Penny as a sister but I think he has a crush on our cute Comfort sheep. And who wouldn't love that sweet face right?!
Read more about Blue Face Leicester sheep...
May 2022
It’s been a long winter on the farm. The swing back and forth in temperatures is difficult for sheep, just like it can be for people. Sunshine had lost most of her teeth and was getting tottery so we had to put her to sleep. She was at least 15 years old. Her claim to fame was sneaking through a barn window to avoid shearing day! Several years she decided to skip out. She was a typical shy, silly Shetland sheep- maybe sly even! We will all miss her, Charlie and Rose are busy taking good care of Penny too. They will all be good comfort for each other.
March 24, 2021
Sunshine decided to move in with the little special needs group of sheep today. She’s getting older now so we will leave her there so she can get grain every day. She is such a tiny little sheep!
Nov. 2020: Snapped this photo about one second before Rose was off to the races! She is one of our pretty Shetland sheep and she is quite shy. Always involved in some sort of shenanigans! That’s Dalai Llama waaay up on the hill.
Our little Charlie sheep has become Sunshine’s pal since the loss of her twin Mario. He is an adorable little Shetland sheep who joined our flock a few years ago. He and his family; Ilse, Rose, Angus and Gilbert needed a new home. My friend's life circumstances changed so of course we said yes! Shetland sheep are amazing. AND I've never had a California Red sheep?! (Gilbert).
**He is definitely a little scamp! He avoided shearing this year by exiting through an open barn window? The Shetland sheep are crafty, adventurous little buggars always into some sort of mischief. Love them for that! His fleece does not have an outer, traditional Shetland coat. Just the soft undercoat. It is awesome in next to the skin projects! Just wish he would take better care of it? ha!
April 2020
Sunshine has some sad news today. Sigh. Her twin brother Mario passed away and she’s very lonely. She’s finally stopped calling and looking for him. Sheep grieve and it is heart wrenching to watch. There is absolutely nothing one can do but give them hugs and treats if they want them. Then they will turn to a friend in the flock to step forward with. I don’t think they ever forget the one they’ve lost. Sunshine is 15 now so she and Mario had a long life together. I think besides putting a sheep to sleep, watching the ones left behind is worse. ANYhoo. She’s doing fine now and her friend Ethel and her sister are taking very good care of her!
June 2019
Sunshine and Mario are doing well this summer. The only thing I wish is Sunshine would stop hopping through the barn window? Into the side of the barn we are not using right now? Stinker! I have to listen really hard for her so I know when she is over there. She can’t get back out of the window so needs a door person. They are definitely older sheep now but the Shetlands never lose their spunk!
Twins!!! Two teeny black Shetland lambs I purchased from a friend. They were both bottle lambs so are very tame and very happy to see treats! They are about the size of a small springer spaniel so makes them look like miniatures--but they did eventually grow. And as usual, once they got to go out with the 'big' sheep, they promptly forgot about me. They are naughty, silly little scamps who won't even come close to me now? Sigh. Friends tell me that means I raised good sheep and did my job well. I would rather hug and smooch them up though.
The Shetlands take almost 2 years to finish growing. Sunshine & Mario both have beautiful bay black fleeces, locks of 3+ inches and a bit of cinnamon color on the tips of the locks from the sun. Sunshine and Mario are always up for a good game of chase and tag- or king of the dirt pile!
They are aging well, teenagers by our standards. :0)
2017 update: This little Sunshine girl is non-stop silly! She has a 'secret' door to the barn now. It's called hopping through a window to get in, then unable to jump back out? We have to go let her back outside because the side of the barn she hops into is not in use by the sheep in the summer. Oops!
Sunshine and Mario designed a crazy quilt yarn for me to spin! As much fun to spin as they are to watch!
2018 updates:
Mario is still family with his twin sister Sunshine. Both are sassy as they should be. And into any shenanigans they can find to get into! (As every Shetland sheep should be- spunky!)
Their favorite is to jump into the barn through open windows. It's no problem. UNLESS they end up in the part of the barn sectioned off for summer. They do this every single day. Little mountain goats! ha!
May 2022
We have some sad news this month, we had to put our Pipi sheep to sleep. Winter was hard on the older sheep with the crazy swings in temperature. She had arthritis in her spine and it was causing too much pain. She was over 15 years old and had lost many teeth too. We will all miss her- specially Penny. It’s a good thing Penny is also friends with Charlie sheep. He’s taking good care of her. (This is Pipi’s baby picture)
June 2020
Pipi likes my new shoes! I tried to explain they didn’t make them in her tiny size. She was sad so I may have to do some shopping to see what is available in the way of sheep slip-on shoes!
Nov. 2020: Caught some pretty pictures of Penny yesterday. She is so busy causing good trouble with her friends!
Pipi is a wonderful, sassy Jacob sheep we adopted from friends as a lamb years ago. She was the smallest baby on the place! Her fleece is a lilac color that is gorgeous and she loves to play with the other Jacob and Shetland sheep. She is very adventurous and loves to jump and hop about--oh, and apple treats for sure! Pipi's wool is soft with a lean to medium. Her fleece is lilac colored with locks 3 inches long with variations in color and spots. Too cool!
Miss Penny is evading the camera it seems? She won’t be able to avoid me on shearing day though! If she’s not careful I will unpack her baby tutu! Pictures to follow- before AND after!
February 2020
Penny’s been busy! She sent some of her Jacob wool out to Shari for carding. She added some pretty Huacaya Alpaca to blend into the roving. She had me spin a 2 ply yarn from part of the batch. Ooh la la! The fawn alpaca lets her multi-colored wool show itself. It’s a subtle heathered/tweedy look. I love it of course! Got the Penny seal of approval so you can find it for sale here…. (Penny said she needs to restock her vanilla wafer stash or she would let me keep this yarn!)
October 2019
Penny is always up for a photo op!
June 2019
Summer is here and humidity abounds! Penny is prancing about with her new haircut and into shenanigans like always. I love her spirit. She’s still holding a grudge for my making her wear a tutu though. Even though she was a bottle baby she’s quite aloof- unless there are treats involved of course. She is a hoot!
You may all know Penny the Jacob sheep already? She is our bottle lamb this year (2012) and she spent the first 6 weeks in the house while we found another lamb to keep her company. She tore around here in diapers, up and down the stairs, and slept on the couch! She is outside being a big sheep now- and I cried when I moved her outside. I miss her! She has a new friend now- Mayhem- a beautiful Blue Face Leicester lamb. Penny now thinks she doesn't need me, unless there is something amiss. She was not too pleased on shearing day once she figured out what was going on! She STILL would not let me too close- what a silly little snot!
I think she's going to hold a life long grudge against me for making her wear a tutu when she was a baby. Oopsie! I think her 'brother' Mayhem teases her about it?
Little Penny is still her sweet, sorta naughty self! She hangs around with Gentleman Gilbert the most. Mayhem has gotten so much bigger and he is a dufus. Who plays too rough head butting with the other sheep boys. SO, Gilbert is a bit calmer, more easy going. Penny can still be silly but not get bowled over! Read about Gilbert...
Our Gilbert- a California Red Sheep!