I learned to spin yarn on a very old wheel from Russia. It's difficult to learn on an antique wheel! I almost quit but I got to try a new wheel and wa-la- I could spin yarn! I was determined to learn because people told me to burn my Woolamina's wool? Suffolk wool is worth nothing??? Gasp!
ANYhoo, that was long long ago. Since then I've collected quite a stable of wheels. Too many wheels if the sheep have anything to say about it. Good thing they don't right? Ha!
I will add more photos soon- for now here are a few:
Antique Norwegian Spinning Wheel!
My antique Great Wheel aka walking wheel.
Antique Russian castle wheel.
On left: drop spindles painted by me.
Babe Bulky Electric Spinner.
Fricke electric spinner.
You can always find our specialty Crazy Quilt Yarns here.
If you don't see the yarn you are looking for, I love special orders. Email the sheep any time and we'll have you all set to go with your next woolie yarn project!