My parents adopted Rusty a few days ago and he is a sweet one! He is 9 years old and landed in the shelter when his owners divorced. Luckily he was only in the shelter for 11 days- it’s a nerve wracking situation for any dog but older dogs do not easily adapt to being there very easily. Lady really likes him and he is fitting right in. We are hoping he will help Lady get over a bit of her anxiety issue! Welcome home Lady and Rusty dogs!
It’s been a wild summer for our family when it comes to our dogs. There have been some losses of good souls but we also have some GOOD news! My parents lost both of their older dogs this past summer and it s time to introduce some new peeps. Lady is a beautiful little Cocker/Poodle cross and she trotted right out of her kennel at the shelter, stopped at my Mom’s feet and said you are mine now. One of those meant to be moments. Lady is middle aged and smart as a whip. Whomever had her in the past loved her, taught her tricks and just to be a sweet dog. We don’t know much of her story but she does have some anxiety/separation issues they are working with so she can relax. She’s very attached to Mom and is frantic when she can’t see her.