December 28, 2021
We hope you had a great holiday! Do you have fun plans for New Year’s Eve? We always stay home. It used to be because it always snowed on NYE in Wisconsin. Now we are more likely to see rain or freezing rain. The sheep really prefer snow. Lots of snow. So they can sled on the big hills in the pasture. They are working on knitting a few new sets of leg warmers and mending scarves, hats and ear muffs. They are quite independent!
The weather will be cold this weekend, barely a high of zero but a wind chill keeping it -10 to -20 below this weekend. Yikes! We are thinking it is time to invest in automatic waterers for all the critters. It’s a pain in the you know what to haul frozen hoses in, then haul them back outside. After 20 years, I think we’ve earned it. (To be honest, Jim earned it- he waters in the winter.) That is for Spring though. Bucket list!
Jim is on vacation from work this week so I am a bit scattered and very off my daily routine. I guess it really depends on the structure of HIS routine?
The sheep have been busy washing Cotswold fleeces and I’ve been spinning lots of yarn. Jim and I are also doing a lot of reading of books lately. Mine is history (of course) and research related. My current path is the history of Scotland by Sir Walter Scott. He must have been quite a treasure. Someone it would be fun to sit down and have a mug of ale with!
Stay safe and well everyone- Sandy
A view from our front porch- the sheep put lights on the little tree. They are all a bit low, in a circle in the middle of the tree but that is as high as they can reach!