Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Good thoughts for Noodle!

February 11, 2021

Our Noodle is a deaf Border Collie who is 15 years old now. She is a typical BC, busy and too smart for her own good! Several days ago she was unable to get up and had a vicious head tilt. The vet diagnosed her with vestibular disease. It is a malfunction in the middle ear and effects balance. It also comes with neurological issues. The vet sent her home with a course of antibiotics and anti-nausea medicine. She is always on a pain reliever for her arthritis. She scared the you know what out of us.

Today finds her much recovered! I was not hopeful that first day but the vet said in 72 hours we would know if she would improve. 24 hours later Noodle is able to get up on her own and toddle about for short distances. Whoa! The neuro issue with her eyes has almost completely stopped. (The eyes ‘bounce’ due to and the pupils are very dilated.) Today would be 48 hours and to me she is stable and improving. What a relief! She is one tough little dog! Keep good thoughts for her ok? Smooches from Noodle!