Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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A belated Easter post!

The sheep recently located their original blog from years ago. The stories are so fun we are ‘re-running’ a few here… This post was written by me, April 15, 2013

Catching up on things around here- finally! This is what Jim and I did Easter morning. Lots of the sheep wanted to be 'lambits' like they saw in a commercial on TV this year. So of course we happily obliged! Bobbi (left) and Andrew (right) went first- although as you can see, Bobbi was not so sure it was in fact a good idea?

Becan (Shetland sheep) was having a giggle at their expense... Oopsie! Then BECAN was the lambit!

Simon the gigantic goat was happy to get in on the fun.

Andrew not so much.

Sara's sheep Polly was a good girl. She decided she wanted to model BOTH hats!

A good time was had by all (for the most part) and it was a perfect way to spend the morning. We are all so easily amused! Smooches from the lambits!